Wednesday, July 3, 2013

2nd week at the Conservative Yeshiva Incomplete

Sunday classes started at 7:30 AM. I think one of the hardest things was getting used to the arrangement of the work week. Sunday is their Monday and it felt like Monday. So most of the time we don't know what day it is and certainly don't know the date. Jet lag hit me hard Saturday and Sunday nights when I could hardly sleep at all. I say it was jet lag but it might have been that I was stupidly reading the newest Jo Nesbo murder mystery that I had picked up at the airport. As soon as I finished the book, I was able to sleep. The book, Phantom, was wonderful and I share. The last two weeks are hard to explain. Every day, Sunday through Thursday, we get up at 5:30 AM, shower, eat something and walk a couple of miles to school. Most of the trip is flat but the last half a mile is up hill like everything else in Jerusalem. Some days I have to take a break for a minute but if we slow down a little I can do it without stopping. Don't forget we both have backpacks on filled with books and lunch and cameras and iPads etc. And a few pills et al. You never know. We stay at the school to around 5:30 PM, walk towards home, stop and window shop and eat and then go home. I have been meeting on various evenings people I know from Israel or Americans who are currently in Jerusalem. It has been fun but it makes our days long and difficult to study since we are so tired by the time we hit the front door. And that's also why this is summary, not a day by day account of my every emotion. Another reason this is a summery is that actually I have had not much to write about. Everything has been nice. And nice and blogs don't go together.


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