Wednesday, July 3, 2013

2nd week 3rd post

Finally, besides the parsha of the week, is a class called "Engaging with Israel." How do we, as North American's engage and get others to engage with Israel? And why should we? We started with a class examining what Israel meant to those of us in the class followed in the next class with a discussion of barriers and supports for engagement. Immediately differences in opinion became evident but the format, the teacher, and the good will of the students allowed us to listen and speak to each other. We have read different opinions about how NA Jews should deal with Israel as well as how much disagreement can be tolerated from each position. I will keep you posted as we progress. It's complicated to write about. Just know that we are looking at ways to expand the conversation as well as talk about what would make Israel a country that diaspora Jews want to engage with. Not just a place to go to if the going gets tough. There's more and I will return.(It is my right).  I just had to get started.

In another class I am studying some of the mitzvot in the Torah that talk about a person's responsibility to other people. It has been mind expanding and certainly in concert with the class on human rights. It might sound dry, examining Leviticus 19 for a couple of days but it really isn't. The teacher, teaches as if the Torah were drama.

I'm taking another class on the structure of the service and that too is extremely interesting. Even if I don't go to services on a daily basis it is good to understand the prayers and appreciate the brilliance of the rabbis as they formulated them. They really understood people.

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